
  1. To hold a pen is to be armed and dangerous.
  2. While our outer body is perishing our inner self is renewing.
  3. Light is the fullness of love expressed.
  4. It's harder to stop lying than it is to tell the Truth.
  5. Self-perpetuation is the engine of the universe.
  6. Love is the manifest expression of Light.
  7. My ego says I must listen to my mind. My soul says I must listen to my heart.
  8. Giving gratifies the heart. Receiving gratifies the mind.
  9. Only the wayward need to be saved, because like a stack of firewood which begins to topple, we only try to catch the logs that are falling.
  10. When a person speaks they are necessarily lying, because no human being knows the Truth.
  11. A nation is like a house. To be let in you have to be accepted.
  12. Knowledge is a rational perception of understanding.
  13. There is no force for good in the world like the force for evil. There is only a sanctuary of good, where one can be sheltered from evil.
  14. The first half of life is acclimatising to the world and the second half is acclimatising to leaving it.
  15. It’s not how something works for you, it's how you work that something.
  16. Why would you want to be famous just so your integrity can be dissipated amongst the masses?
  17. The ultimate quiet achiever is one who resists recognition while alive, but yields to it as a legacy.
  18. There is only so far you can develop your body but no limit to how far you can develop your mind.
  19. God first, God last, and God’s counsel in between.
  20. Understanding is the framework of human existence. Knowledge is everything inside that framework.
  21. In human awareness, our desires emanate out of celestial ignorance, to materialise cerebrally as covetous illusions, in contrast to Divine awareness as the consummation of all desire.
  22. Satan has his minions and his minions have us.
  23. Apple doesn’t make devices, it makes logos with device functionality.
  24. People always respect sincerity over pretension. Pretension breeds dissention, sincerity breeds fellowship.
  25. It’s not about personalities it’s about principalities.
  26. Utopian socialism can only work when it is qualified by a non-rational agency, like the animal kingdom is.
  27. Habits are the most powerful things you can have. Just make sure you have the right ones.
  28. Hug someone enthusiastically whether you like them or not, because when you hug someone you are not hugging their ego but their soul.
  29. Dreams are seeds of reality.
  30. A wise sage’s dying words, “I have waited all my life for this”.
  31. The less you become the better you become.
  32. Separation means individuality which means different belief systems which means conflicts of interest which means hostility which means wars.
  33. The psyche of a human being is the most unstable and fickle subject in existence.
  34. When you understand - you don’t need. When you know - you need to know more.
  35. Am I thinking high enough?
  36. The world is a ramshackle conglomeration of misconstrued human urges.
  37. Manifestation is a habitat, inhabited by humans to effectuate habits.
  38. The more one understands the less they sin. The less one understands the more they sin.
  39. Home is where the whole is.
  40. To understand something is far more satisfying than to own it. Understanding is the cornerstone of fulfilment.
  41. “I worry therefore I am”  Birth and death are both equally traumatic, but in different respects. Coming in we worry afterwards and going out we worry beforehand.
  42. It is not possible to TELL the Truth because the Truth is the status quo. You can only ARRIVE at the Truth by stopping to lie.
  43. Creation is actually discovery. We create something in our imagination and then we discover it in manifestation.
  44. Bondage is where the soul is forced to serve the ego. Redemption is when the ego serves the soul.
  45. Don’t dwell on what you are looking at, dwell on what you are thinking.
  46. Society is a construct upon which consciousness hangs its hat.
  47. Humanity doesn’t have a purpose – life does. Humanity should find out what that is.
  48. God is the eternal source - not the definer. You define, God facilitates.
  49. The greatest form of idolatry is the adulation of oneself.
  50. Thoughts are things - think about the Light.
  51. Self-importance is the antithesis of self-realisation.
  52. Science can never prove the existence of God because God is a word we use to describe something we don't understand. If it is known to science then it cannot be God.
  53. Funny thing about eyesight. It drops off 50% halfway through life. It's as if we need to see the world clearly for the first half of our life, after which the outer world is dimmed to promote a clearer sense of our inner world.
  54. The act of sex is not as big a deal as the prospect of getting to it.
  55. It is far better to be despised than to despise.
  56. Knowledge is fools understanding.
  57. Suffering is the evidence of our belief in it.
  58. You can have all the knowledge from all the books and all of the search engines in the world, but let me have just one insight of understanding and I will be the better qualified.
  59. Intuition is unreasonable and reason is unintuitive.