Marriage Sanctification

Same Sex Marriage And The Betrayal Of God’s Sanctification

Sexual relations between an unmarried male and female is just as much a transgression as between same sex genders, except where male and female are brought together in marriage. In other words, all sexual relations outside of marriage are transgressions in the eyes of God, because celestially speaking, they are incestuous.
All of us together as a family of human beings, have the same parents, as being children of the one Father, God, and one mother, Earth, both Divinely and descendantly, and therefore we are essentially siblings, which makes it unlawful, even in human terms, for any of us to engage in sexual relations, full stop. However, there is an exception to this, for the enabling of the perpetuation of the human species, which is marriage, whereby a judicially certified union between a male and a female, is mutually sanctified by God, where He has given His consent to our governing authorities to license a male and female to engage in sexual intercourse, free of incestuous implication and Divine reproval. All sexual intimacy outside of this is an anathema to God, irrespective of its acceptability in the eyes of humanity.
Thankfully, God is considerably tolerant when it comes to a human being’s indiscretion, as attested by Jesus in this inference to Moses.
"Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.”
But like any discerning parent, there is only so far one’s tolerance can go before the need for intervention is all that is left to save the child from his or her self. And humanity, most especially western civilisation, has categorically crossed over that line in the eye’s of our parental Father.
As I said, God is very forgiving in His attitude to human indiscretion, but the situation today with sexuality as it applies to marriage, has gone way past His point of tolerance, because it has undermined the sanctification He accorded to human authority.
A human being is a capricious canon and needs to be supervised, and God has sanctioned the agency of governing authorities to carry out this role on His behalf, and accordingly, charged us to honour them. Consequently, He has no tolerance for the indiscretions of a ruling authority as a whole, like He has for an individual, because He has entrusted that authority to protect the individual on His behalf.
As Paul says in Rom 13:1, "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God."
BUT, when the ruling authority steps outside the bounds of God’s mandated sanctification, this is the time when a caring parent would step in and say, “enough is enough”. Put it this way, society’s ruling authorities are like our schools, where the government is sanctioned by God and a school is sanctioned by the government. Humanity puts its faith in a government as guardian of the wellbeing of society, and a parent puts its faith in a school as guardian of the wellbeing of its children. So if a school should breach the mandate laid down by its governing authority, a caring parent is compelled to pull their children out of there. Similarly, when the governing authorities breach their mandate sanctioned by God, like any discerning parent, He is compelled to pull His children out. Those being the faithful elect.

Same Sex Legalisation
Same sex marriage, is without a doubt one, if not THE most serious transgressions humanity could commit in the eye’s of God, not least because marriage is the cornerstone for the perpetuation of human existence, where the undermining its sanctification could spell the end of humanity.
Same sex marriage seems reasonably palatable on the surface, especially in these liberal times, save for those who are deeply reverential. After all, if God is tolerant we should be also. Fair enough, but if you’ve been following this essay, you’d know that God’s tolerance does not extend to the governing authorities, because He has sanctified them with His seal of approval as trusties in maintaining the ordinance and integrity of human civilisation, which is why they are able to sanction a sexual union between “brothers and sisters” in the form of marriage, absolved of the stigma of incest and fornication. Essentialy, He has granted them a “license”, and as with any licence, it can be revoked if it is abused.
Even though heterosexual intimacy and homosexual intimacy outside marriage is an anathema to God, in His tolerance He has has allowed them to go unjudged. The thing is though, His turning a blind eye to sex outside of marriage is not the same as sanctioning it. But that’s not good enough for humanity in the case of same sex intimacy, where the homosexula community wants God’s sanctification on that as well. But instead of appealing to God, knowing full well what His reaction would be, the authorities went ahead on their own bat, and sanctified it in concert with heterosexual intimacy. Can you image in your wildest dreams God agreeing to sanctify something He considers so abhorrent, not to mention unrelated to human survival, which is the whole objective of His heterosexual sanctification?
BUT the real cruncher, is not that it’s been made legal in the eyes of humanity, it’s that humanity, by institutionalising same sex marriage, has proved completely duplicitous and unqualified to remain guardians of anything on behalf of God. How can God continue to grant sanctification for marriage between a male and female, if the same sanctification incorporates homosexual intimacy?
At the end of the day, God has no alternative but to withdraw His sanctification from marriage altogether, which means the human race can no longer be considered spiritually legitimate. What? So from hereafter, the marriage union between a male and female is no more sacred than any other sexual union, all of which are spiritually incestuous.
The dilemma now facing the Christian community, is how can the faithful have any sexual activity in good conscience when God withdraws His sanctification for marriage? But there is a bigger diemmna facing the world as a whole, in that, if the sexual union between male and female in any situation is invalidated by God, thereby making all future human beings spiritually illegitimate, how can we expect God to have anything further to do with the world itself? Well we can’t expect it, because ultimately we’ll be disappointed. Just WHEN ultimately is the question. Usually the catchcry is, “Don’t hold your breath”, but in this imminent case you’d be well advised to do the opposite.
If this was a scenario initiated by a school, whereby the school board allowed the unfettered use of heroin anywhere, in contravention of the governing authority’s mandate for schools in their jurisdiction, not to mention society’s, a caring parent would get their kids out of there tout de suite. And I suspect God is preparing to do exactly the same with His “kids”. So pack up all your crayons and exercise books, and ready yourself for an impending call, to go wait at the gate for your Father’s “car”.