
Think of the United States as a motor car, with Donald Trump as the accelerator pedal, the republicans as the foot brake and the democrats as the handbrake. Here’s poor old Donald, trying to get the country moving along, while the never-Trumpers keep stomping on the brake pedal at the slightest hint of menace, while the ever-Trumpers intervene to release it. Meanwhile, the democrats have the handbrake on full and won’t let go.
With a driver as determined as Trump and an engine as gung-ho and powerful as the United States, the handbrake is not as effective as the democrats would like it to be, because the vehicle’s front-wheel-drive manages to keep the car moving along with the rear wheels skiddering rather than turning. But this is a problem, because it slows its mobility and puts a lot of excess strain on a vehicle not engineered to constantly work so hard or so improperly, diminishing its resilience. Moreover, it uses a lot more fuel, albeit contaminated, in the form of duplicitous rhetoric, and this sort of driving is not covered by any warranty. Fortunately though, it is covered by a demonic-proof insurance policy with the Providential Indemnity Alliance of Divinty.
So if the vehicle should come to grief, a full replacement will be made in the form of a Heavenly Chariot, which can only be operated by the elect(ed), disabling all intervention from the worldly elite, who will be assigned to grovelling along a more treacherous and darker road, under their own nefarious authority. Which should make their day because they thrive on treachery.
Crucially, the insurance will be voided if it is found the vehicle came to grief through the intentional malfeasance of the front seat operators. Just because the vehicle is not performing as it was designed to, is not an acceptable reason for sabotaging it to claim the insurance. The insurance is there for an unavoidable eventuality, after every effort has been made to keep it satisfactorily maintained and in working order, and only in a total write-off will a full settlement be forthcoming. A write-off to the extent of its inability to effect any momentum, nor any further prospect of viably accommodating its occupants, as in the event of a nuclear catastrophe, not perpetrated by the vehicle operators in question.